Norm Stamper: Ending the "War on Drugs": The Fierce Urgency of...When?: "The nation's longest running armed conflict, the drug war, financed to the tune of about $70 billion a year, is an unmitigated economic disaster. Think of the money that could be invested, right now, in 'shovel-ready' infrastructure improvements, or in the credit crisis, the home mortgage crisis, the energy crisis, the automobile industry crisis, the banking crisis, the education crisis, the deficit crisis...
And consider terrorism. I almost fell out of my La-Z-Boy when then-Attorney General John Ashcroft informed us that terrorist missions are financed by drug trafficking."
Can we stand up, uncover our eyes and look at cold reality a bit. The short-sighted, religious right influenced neo-conservative formula of the past 40 years is driving us into the ground. More to come, film at 11.