I'm lazy today and just want to look at the pictures...if you're more inclined read the link below, and the counter from the other side that it linked to - and debunked.
If You Want Another Debt And Spending Binge, Vote GOP - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast:
For me, it's just like the headline and history indicates - Republicans spend like drunken sailors and complain when the Democrats try to tidy up their mess by tightening the belt and trying to generate enough revenues to pay for the Republican spending binges.
I tell my 'conservative' friends I'm a fiscal conservative and couldn't possibly vote Republican - they're not conservative - except socially, and I'm a social progressive who believes the richest (for now) country in the world should be able to take just a bit off our massive offensive (hardly defensive) military spending and take care of all the healthcare and social needs we have.
And quit whining that some people using the social safety net are able to or want to 'game the system' and 'live off the gov't teat' (woo hoo! - look at that lavish lifestyle). The few that do are able to take so few real dollars compared to the corporate and defense contractor sucking on the teat that it's like a kid taking sand from the beach with a toy bucket vs. a line of dump trucks and a front end loader.
'via Blog this'