Nah, probably not.
"It seems that you can look at a chart of almost anything and right around 1981 or soon after you'll see the chart make a sharp change in direction, and probably not in a good way. And I really do mean almost anything, from economics to trade to infrastructure to ... well almost anything. I spent some time looking for charts of things, and here are just a few examples. In each of the charts below look for the year 1981, when Reagan took office.
Conservative policies transformed the United States from the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation in just a few years, and it has only gotten worse since then.
Look at the influence of these entrenched interests on our current deficits, for example. Obviously conservative policies of tax cuts and military spending increases caused the massive deficits. But entrenched interests use their wealth and power to keep us from making needed changes. The facts are here, plain as the noses on our faces. The ability to fight it eludes us. Will we step up and do something to reverse the disaster caused by the Reagan Revolution or not?"
But what it just ONE person got up and told 3 other people (or blogged about it and told almost nobody, but...)
and those 3 people told 3 others...
and they told 3 others...
pretty soon there'd be a MOVEMENT...
(apologies to Arlow)
6 Shocking Ways Conservatives Helped Cause the Economic Destruction of America | | AlterNet:
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