Saturday, July 10, 2010

Editorial - A Climate Change Corrective -

This follows up on a previous post I made about the scientific method, and lay-peoples understanding of it.
It works. It's self correcting -- one of the thing that bothers people is that scientific findings change...they're based on best info, and new info changes previous thinking...for the better. For all it's apparent inconsistencies, it's the best analytical tool we have for making intelligent decisions about complex problems.


From the article...
On Wednesday, a panel in Britain concluded that scientists whose e-mail had been hacked late last year had not, as critics alleged, distorted scientific evidence to prove that global warming was occurring and that human beings were primarily responsible. It was the fifth such review of hundreds of e-mail exchanges among some of the world’s most prominent climatologists.
Climate skeptics pounced on them as evidence of a conspiracy to manipulate research to support predetermined ideas about global warming.
The panel found no such conspiracy.
Perhaps now we can put the manufactured controversy known as Climategate behind us and turn to the task of actually doing something about global warming.

Nahh, I doubt it....

Editorial - A Climate Change Corrective -

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